Thursday, October 1, 2009

Taxes and Service

In any country or society I believe taxes are necessary to a point. Government must have money to build roads, libraries, military, etc. However, I believe that amount of money being spent on social programs and the poor in this country is largely a waste. In America everyone has opportunity. There is absolutely no reason why a person should not be able to get an education and make money if they are willing to work hard. In most cases, government handouts just end up enabling the cycle of poverty and laziness to continue. Perhaps if welfare in America was vastly re-organized (for example, you could only receive welfare a certain amount of time, and during that time you would be required to be searching for a job or learning a skill set etc.) I could agree with it more. I do realize there is a time and a place for the government to help others, but it is being vastly abused. Why should my hard earned money be taken from me without my consent to help some high school dropout who got pregnant at 16 and is too lazy to find a job? Now this is all coming from a political standpoint. As Christians we have a different calling.

I believe as Christians God calls us to help others but essentially this is the job of the individual, not the government. Our national government already has their hands in way to many industries. We need to return to the constitution and stronger state governments. I digress. Any ways, it is the Christian's job to help the poor and the lowly. This is what Christ himself did while on Earth. Therefore taxes, no matter how great or how small, are not enough. It is our time and service Christ wants. I honestly believe that the poor don't need money. They need friends, and encouragers and people willing to teach them and help them succeed. This is something the government isn't providing. However, you and I can. As Jesus said, "As you do unto the least of these, so you have done unto Me".

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