Friday, October 30, 2009

To Google

What I find most impressive about Google is the fact that they are honest and simple. They keep things sleek with the understanding that a consumer will find it easier to search for what they need. It makes one less fearful of falling for some gimmick because of the small print at the bottom of the page. Their simplicity goes so far as to speak colloquial English with those interested in knowing about their products. I was spared pulling out the dictionary to understand highly technical computer-world terms and they wrote in a way that made their goals and philosophy clear-cut. They are so effective in what they do that google is even a verb.

The ability to find quick answers to questions allows consumers to consume more readily and easier. If I am not absolutely desperate to find something out, then I will most certainly give up if I am unable to get a quality answer quickly. If the economy improves, I believe we will also see Google get richer from all of their products because they have proven themselves to be reliable year after year and there is no respecter of persons with Google. I, however, do not believe Google will get me to spend more of my money on their products. That is simply because I have learned and continue to learn how to prioritize and question what I consider to be of necessity. Usually I come to the realization that I have what I need and have no valid reason to throw out my hard-earned money. But it has been a long road to this point and if my past were different, my present would be, too.

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