Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Response to Acumen

Seth Godin had some interesting points in his seminar. He was basically trying to encourage young people to start their own businesses to be good competition for Acumen Fund or to join Acumen. Basically, creating new leaders in young people in the social/business world will help issues such as poverty in the future. I find it interesting that Acumen is attempting to solve poverty and world issues by building businesses. It is a smart idea but also trying to convince a lot of people to want to help with poverty can be challenging.
Acumen fund basically invests in a variety of institutions that will help with world issues. I think that Godin's seminar has a nice theory behind it but he did not really make clear how or why people should become entrepreneurs. I did not really understand why he was saying that people should not go to med school because you would just "be a cog in the machine". I guess if you go into a generalized socially controlled occupation then you really cannot make a difference or try to contribute to poverty, but also the world needs doctors and general companies to survive. This was interesting but I had to look on the Acumen website to find out more about it, I wish that Godin would have been clearer to the people he was speaking to.

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