Thursday, October 22, 2009

Acumen Fund

Thank you so much for introducing me to the Acumen Fund! Finally a take on poverty solving that actually makes sense to me! I think the whole idea is absolutely brilliant. Why do we continue to give handouts to the poor, when teaching them how to take care of themselves is so much healthier? We all want to be independent and self sufficient. What little kid wants Mommy to tie his shoes forever? We all want to learn how to take care of ourselves and stand on our own two feet. I personally believe that if the Acumen Fund's concept was applied to the American Welfare system we might be in better shape today.

I am normally semi-turned off by non-prophet organizations which is terrible and I will probably suffer eternally for it. However, the main reason why I find the non-profit sector usually unappealing is because it often doesn't make sense to me. I'm not interested in putting bandages on wounds - I want to heal wounds. I don't want to give handouts that are often more crippling then instructive - I want to teach people how to support themselves and live independently. I'm very excited to have discovered the Acumen Fund and look forward to learning more about what I can do to get involved.

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