Friday, September 11, 2009

Common Wealth: Chapters 1 & 2

This is a manifesto for change and it is refreshing think seriously about how change can take place. We have experienced enough crisis to know that the problem we face today isn't brought about solely by the United States or Japan or whatever other country, but the entire world has dug itself into a hole. And Jeffrey Sachs is indeed innovative about how we can get ourselves out of this hole with goals toward ending world poverty and over-population and saving the environment. We not only have a responsibility as humans, but as a Christian, I have a responsibility as well. I believe God gives us opportunities to be one link toward change, but I do not believe that man alone can fix the problem because the problem appears to be rooted in sin to me.
That being said, it is worth our effort to contribute in whatever way we can to ending poverty through education and lending a helping hand. Those who make the money can help those who don't make the money to stabilize the economies elsewhere. We can teach about health, nutrition and farming so that thousands of children will get the nourishment they need to make it to adulthood. We can support recycling on the AU campus. All this is only the beginning so I look forward to reading about his thesis in more detail. Some positive outcomes to his goals seem difficult to achieve completely, but I'm not an economist.

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