In the first two chapters of his book, Jeffery Sachs presents the readers with some problems our overcrowded planet is facing and what he thinks are the best solutions to overcome these problems. There were many sections that I found difficult to understand and still find that I don't grasp, such as the graphs and equations that go with them. I have not had any experience with these ideas and equations before so I don't understand how to use them. But the over concept is still understandable to me and what stuck out to me was that Sachs mentioned a couple of times that these ideas he was presenting are optimistic. Maybe I have a pessimistic personality, or maybe I am a realist (or maybe those are one and the same), but I don't see his ideas being put into practice. The world, especially the US is used to operating the way it does and the changes would be huge and cause a lot of ripples. I also don't see the cooperation between nations coming about. Sachs mentions that China and India are starting to shift the economical world away from the western hemisphere particularly the US. The US has gotten used to being in control and is a very selfish nation. I think the US will do whatever it can to hold onto that control and power and cooperating is not going to fit into their plan. Sachs also talks about how if these issues aren't met with some kind of plan than disasters will begin to take place. In my theory, these disasters will have to take place before anyone thinks a solution is needed. This tends to be how the world has functioned historically, and what is it they always say? Oh yes, history has a way of repeating itself.
Good points about the US's need to hold on to power and the need for some crisis to galvanize action!