Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Paper or plastic?

"According to a life cycle analysis by Franklin Associates, Ltd, [pdf] plastic bags create fewer airborne emissions and require less energy during the life cycle of both types of bags per 10,000 equivalent uses -- plastic creates 9.1 cubic pounds of solid waste vs. 45.8 cubic pounds for paper; plastic creates 17.9 pounds of atmospheric emissions vs. 64.2 pounds for paper; plastic creates 1.8 pounds of waterborne waste vs. 31.2 pounds for paper."

These are the results I found on plastic bags vs. paper bags. Pound for Pound plastic bags are better for the environment. However, at they also said that neither one was a winner and that reusable bags are the best way to go. I did not actually find anything bad about reusable bags. Mostly just suggestions about getting the reusable bags that are already made form recycled materials and other ones that are natural. So I guess for the question, paper or plastic...I am going plastic.

As for the debate regarding disposable cup vs. ceramic cup - I would say plastic cup. The plastic cup is the one easier to recycle (once cleaned) and therefore the most eco friendly. Ceramic cups are good if you use them for a long time and you don't wash them excessively. They are better in the dumps but the hot water energy makes them less efficient. Paper cups are not good for the environment because they usually have a plastic coating of some sort and they take a lot of energy and trees to makes. Styrofoam cups are not disposable. They don't decompose and therefore sit in the dumps forever. No styrofoam. Plastic wins again.

I try to reuse my plastic bags and cups as much as possible and recycle them after I am done. It takes a little extra effort, but I love the world! Go out and get some reusable bags!

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