Taxes are essential in our society, they help support college grants and social programs like welfare and food stamps. I think taxes could help the homeless, if the budget was big enough and programs were enforced and organized. But nothing in life is that perfect.
I think as Christians, we should be doing what we can to give back to the homeless and poor. God even said that the poor and sinners will be welcomed into his kingdom, but the rich might not because they are too self involved. And in the Bible it also says, if you feed the poor, and give shelter to the homeless, it's like doing these things to me. I think that if we want to help the homeless we have to be pro-active, especially as Christians. For me, who cares, if this person is really homeless or not, because you never know whether you are giving food to an angel, and what if you ignored them, God will hold you responsible for your actions. If they ask for money for food, go get them food, don't give them the money. If they really are hungry they will appreciate it.
We already have many programs to help the homeless and the poor. There are soup kitchens and shelters. When I was in highschool, once a month we would go to Washington D.C. and bring food and boxes of clothes and give them away. And there are other church organizations that do the same thing. We have to help them maybe get back on their feet, but I think it's also their decision to decide whether or not to accept it. Raising are taxes aren't going to help them, but us being proactive in our communities and trying to help them by providing them with food and jobs will.
Mengapa Hak Pencetakan Uang Dikuasai Oleh Negara
[image: Mengapa hak pencetakan uang dikuasai oleh negara]
Mengapa hak pencetakan uang dikuasai oleh negara
Muncul Utang Negara Begitu pula dengan mencetak ...
1 year ago
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