All this and more constitutes a "normal" dinner for the Lashley family and to me the joy of eating and communing with my family was nothing short of a spiritual experience. When I smelled the aroma of my parents cooking(nevermind if it WAS at midnight) i knew that no matter how bad my day was going, no matter how stressed I was for the present and for the future- happiness with friends and family was nearby and blessings were right around the corner. I guess this is the part of the story, where I admit that it wasn't REALLY the food, but the comradeship and family that made dinnertime soo enjoyable. However, in light of the simply heavenly BBQ chicken I had last week, I will compromise with an acknowledgement that love is always felt(whether it's emanating from the food or the cookers) in my kitchen.
Mengapa Hak Pencetakan Uang Dikuasai Oleh Negara
[image: Mengapa hak pencetakan uang dikuasai oleh negara]
Mengapa hak pencetakan uang dikuasai oleh negara
Muncul Utang Negara Begitu pula dengan mencetak ...
1 year ago
Great story! Aren't families funny creatures?