I'm old-fashioned and I've been fiddling with www.blogger.com for days trying to end up on the proper page. I'm finding social media more exhausting than it is worth. I believe that technology has enhanced my education, but now I would prefer to spend my time getting to know the people in my class rather than figuring out how to use the latest method to communicate with them with my fingertips. Social media is always something you have to keep up with. But I almost don't want to keep up with it anymore. And I'd like to think that I could do well in the workforce without it as well. It was a good thing that I learned to type in school, but I never wanted technology to take so much of my time.
It is almost refreshing not to have to use social media after spending so much time in a classroom or in front of the computer researching a topic. I want to learn from the great outdoors, however, that would force me to change my major and there is certainly no time for that. I want to learn firsthand from people and cultures by talking with them, at best, but not by reading their thoughts when we live on the same campus. But give me a book if I will have no other way of understanding your thoughts are growing from your life experiences. I want to put a face to thoughts, thoughts to a personality and personality to a character. That is education to me...learning how to live with technology, but also learning how to live without.
Mengapa Hak Pencetakan Uang Dikuasai Oleh Negara
[image: Mengapa hak pencetakan uang dikuasai oleh negara]
Mengapa hak pencetakan uang dikuasai oleh negara
Muncul Utang Negara Begitu pula dengan mencetak ...
1 year ago
So how would your life be better, simpler, more free if, instead of publishing your thoughts on a blog, you printed them out in hard copy and turned them in for me to read? And how would it be better if I sent you to the library every week to read 2 articles on reserve, instead of challenging YOU to find the articles and spend 30 seconds each posting them to Delicious? Think about it.
ReplyDeletePlease don't misunderstand me. I enjoy reading and learning new things and this isn't the only class I have that requires me to search out an article and write what I have learned. I promise you that what I post on Delicious I personally find more interesting than some of the articles I search through in academic music journals. I simply prefer the discussion in class on these subjects to blogging about it because I question how I could possibly read all the blogs from my fellow classmates and like you mentioned in class, we are here to learn from eachother. Perhaps it has to do with returning to Andrews University after three years working overseas and it isn't so easy to adapt. I generally like change. I practically ask God for it, but I'm just not used to this kind of change yet. Since I was accustomed to life without many of these networking options that I have since become acquainted with in the past three weeks, I find it a bit mentally stressful right now to think about keeping up with them suddenly. Ideally I want to. I want to read every blog on the page. There seems to be no other way to hear from some of my classmates. I know I can learn from my classmates, but I prefer the whole package...facial expression, tone of voice, body language.