Friday, November 12, 2010

Do you want your children to be the last generation of human race on Earth?

It cannot be denied that the activity of Human species on Earth has greatly upset the equilibrium in the delicate ecology of our planet. Al Gore had made it plain in his lecture "An Inconvenient Truth" that our actions are greatly responsible for most of the anomalies of the planet's climate. In this sense, each and every one individual is responsible for preserving the environment in which we exist. We do not need anymore apocalyptic movies to remind us of the consequence of our overlooking the problems we are facing, nor do we need to actually endure one to learn the lesson. Our would is at a brink of destruction due to our actions, and the inconvenient data presented by environmental scientists are not mere applications for someone's business model to increase revenue.
In fact, the slogan of Going Green must not be just another actualization of some clever business model to increase private corporations' profit. It must be an awareness for every individual member in the Homo Sapiens species. As the crises is imminent, it takes more than a small change in our lifestyle to preserve our environment. As such, I have envisioned a community that will live according to the ideal of preserving the planet and will train our future generation to act responsibly.
This community is designed with welfare of human beings in mind, by promoting a healthy and environmentally responsible lifestyle. The premise of the community is intentionally designed to be inaccessible for non-essential vehicles, to encourage a healthy amount of exercise and at the same time to ensure the safety for children within. The facilities will be constructed with environmentally friendly materials and methods. The local economy will be one that does not put stress upon the land.
It is essential for each human beings to understand that we have owed much to our landlord, and we must take up responsibility to pay the debt. Choosing to live in this community is a tremendous commitment to repay our debt, which everyone of us is entitled to. In doing so, our landlord may choose to renew the lease, to grant us our continual existence.

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