Friday, October 2, 2009

Welfare: Missing the Mark

Welfare programs in this country have been long abused by many people. To the majority of the public, the idea of supporting those who refuse to adhere to the basic tenants of productivity and good citizenship has created much consternation and contention in our society. To many, myself included, it seems as if our valued tax dollars are being spent only to further propagate a serious condition, rather than to alleviate it. Thus, the well justified frustration.
I believe in social assistance to those who by no means can achieve a life above the poverty level. The benevolence of a society is partly measured by ensuring that all members can maintain a decent standard of living and I believe that the government is instrumental in helping to attain this. What I find to be frustrating is that social programs only seem to be perpetuating behaviors that enable individuals to use public resources instead of instilling a sense of responsibility.
Welfare was never intended to propagate poverty and I think that it should be used to enable individuals to become functional members of society. I believe that the government should allocate very limited resources to the poor, but by not giving them the tools to flourish, their conditions are not being improved. We want members of society to flourish and not to just survive as welfare has enabled them to do. I think that our government aid should be redirected as a means of helping people to become responsible so that eventually they won't need welfare programs. It is time to redirect the mark.

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