Friday, October 30, 2009

Google It

If you ask almost anyone around the world what Google is they, more often than not, will be able to tell you. Google has become a popular search engine worldwide because of its accurate and fast searches. From a personal perspective I don't know how I would have a survived a time without Google. That means I would have to hit the library to find something as simple as the capital of Germany. Google is one of the major search engines that I use to find information for school or just to fulfill my curiosities. Our class was asked to research Google just to see what they are all about. I actually googled Google (go figure) and found that the company is all about the users. They workers of Google try to find the fastest and most efficient way to to give information to people. I feel the best part of the Google company is that they rely on the feedback of the users to make the searches better. So essentially the more feedback people give, the better Google works for the rest of us. Google is even expanding its search to mobile phones so that people don't have to wait until they're sitting at a computer to search. The no pop-up aspect of the site is really important for someone like me, who gets fed up with pop-ups. All of their advertising is done with subtle ads that pertain to my search and may even help find what I am looking for. Google is definitely something that does not seem to be going anywhere for a long time.

Our class was also asked to predict what the future holds for Google in the next ten years. Honestly, I don't know what Google has in store because I can't imagine the searches being faster and more effective than they already are. But I think Google will have something greater in store for us as users that is free and easily accessible. I just hope it does not make us lazier researchers than we already are. What would be cool though is if Google bought literature from various books and we were able to access these books online for free, like a free online library. But who knows what the future holds for Google?

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