Friday, October 2, 2009

Service: How can it be accomplished?

When I think of the word "service" I automatically think of the phrase "giving a helping hand", as in literally lending your hand to help pull someone who has fallen down, but as I think of this phrase the idea of a "handout" also comes to mind. A helping hand is definitely a far more positive image than that of a handout, which conjures negative images of disgruntled people who give their hard-earned money to people who may not want or use it properly, but all "images" aside - which of these two phrases' base ideas are better? Is just dishing out money to "help" people enough or it is it more beneficial for all involved to go to where help is needed and assist with the work that must be done in order for the help that is needed be accomplished?

As someone who finds other people the most interesting and important thing in this world, someone who would much rather listen and talk to people all day than work in a laboratory or sit at a computer figuring out financial transactions, you can probably guess which idea of the two I find better. I believe actions speak so much louder than words, and though both reaching in your wallet and forking over 20 dollars and picking up trash in the Hudson River are both actions, they require different types of sacrifice. Ideally we could give both our time and our money, our hearts and our wallets, but often times we can't, and if it was possible some of us would spend our whole lives just working in service projects, but in the world we live in it's close to impossible. Therefore, in the situation where we can choose between the two, which should we pick? I say service with direct contact with those you're helping. Time is priceless, you can't put a price tag on it, and as a Christian, forming bonds and relationships is a much better way to complete the God's call to serve, as well as minister, than to give the required portion of money that your taxes or tithe requires in order to provide for the less fortunate. People are more important to God than money, so I think you should give yourself to Him rather than just your money. Now I'm not saying never give money, but if you are dedicated to service you'll give both your time and money. And if you were disadvantaged wouldn't you rather have people assist you then just getting some money? I know which I would prefer.

No the problem occurs of spending money to fly overseas or other far away places to help people instead of just using that money to give to the people so they can use it for what they need. Personally, I believe having some of those experiences were you go off somewhere to serve is very beneficial for you as a person, you realize how much you have to be grateful for, form bonds with other children of God, and so much more. However, I think it is better stewardship to use our money to help people, both far and near, and directly serve those in our own close communities because there are so many within our areas that need help. Some people are called to go overseas and help those who are so desperately in need, but most of us can do so much right were we are.

1 comment:

  1. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Well said.
