Monday, November 9, 2009


How can I use rituals to be positive and overcome the influences of the world?

I believe that to overcome the influences of the world and to live positively you must make everyday rituals to be able to accomplish this goal. By creating rituals that will help you be healthier, spend less money, or making your community and world a better place to live. By implementing everyday rituals to do these things, they become second nature and we can find ourselves making better decisions almost subconsciously. The more you do positive actions and decisions that easier they become.
An example of this would be ritually waking up in the morning ready to focus on the positive. With each new day, focusing on the positive will become easier and easier, getting started is the hard part - since to begin with it is already easy to wake up cranky and grouchy.
Things like making working out a ritual instead of watching tv - eating salads instead of donuts and smiling instead of frowning. I believe that the little rituals are what really help you overcome the influences of the world. I find that the big rituals, such as your christmas celebration or other holidays only hold the world at bay for a short period of time, while the "holiday spirit" is fresh. When that wears off, the world is there waiting.
But with day-to-day rituals we can overcome the influence of the world, if not completely at least giving it perspective.

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