Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Larry Page describes the perfect site engine as "giving back what you want" in a general sense.
Google's philosophy is step into the shoes of the user and try to depict what the user may want to find. They also want to focus on one thing, believing that mastering one thing is better than being just average at many. Technically, the boss of Google is the population. Because google feeds off of what other people want, they technically believe that the web is a democracy. One of their goals is to make google available anywhere (mobile) so that answers can be accessed at any time. Also, they strive for the best, and they wont accept "great."
From what I learned, Googles business motto is "Don't be evil." The point of this motto is to cover all questions, all sides. Be genuine, and do business without an evil intention.

Out of these few ideas that Google has to base their company off of, there were a few ideas that I found particularly respectable. I like the perspective of "giving back what you take." This gives Google an air of weakness in the midst of all of its power. The people determine how Google runs.
I also like the idea of Google not accepting "great" as a title. This show that Google will not settle for a standard bar or line. They are always looking for a way to expand and seek beyond what could be.


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