Friday, November 12, 2010

Community within a community

Since my community is really a community within a community (being as it is just one apartment building in the middle of a large city; think NYC or London), the best way to advertise it will be to become involved with those outside the apartment building. A lot of these communities run the risk of being so insulated from the rest of the world that reality becomes distorted. Although I understand escapist tendencies and admit that residing in an insulated utopia sounds much more enticing (and certainly easier) than trying to change our existing superstructure, my community's goal of sustainability is inherently interested in the greater good and stems from a desire to be connected with the larger global community and the environment. Thus, my "ideal" apartment building community in the city - with its solar panels and vegetable garden on the roof - will involve itself heavily in the city life around it in an attempt to include, educate, and inspire the citizenry.

This larger community involvement will consist of things like open house days, free urban gardening classes, and hosting for community events such as art galleries and poetry readings in our large street-level lobby. Through inviting the larger community into our small community, we will surely create enough interest that people will want to move in; those who cannot will be given the tools to implement some of our practices in their own homes and apartments. It's not hard to teach people about the environment, and how to make small changes like cutting water and electricity use. If they are really inspired and seem dedicated to environmentally sustainable life, they may apply for an apartment in our building. I like to think that there will be a waiting list. You may sneer, but believe me. There will be a waiting list.

"Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.
Barack Obama

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