Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
China's Urbanization and Aid to Developing Countries
Friday, September 24, 2010
The China problem
As China thrives and begins to challenge the economic supremacy of the US, a reaction formation can now be seen. A 8/9/2010 NewsWeek article, written by Ioannis Gatsiounis, portrays this well. The article outlines how China seems to be threatening America's place as the largest economic body in the globe, and proceeds to cite evidence to confirm [frantically] that the US is still in the lead, that China still has a long way to go to be able replace America as the supreme economic body.
As citizens of a neighboring country to this rising superpower, we have mixed feelings toward its recent development. Taiwan, a self-governing region which mainland Chinese government officials like to regard as a break-away province, has a complicated tie with the mainland. In the late 19th century, China fell victim of western imperialistic colonist, and was reduced to, as Dr. Sun Yet-sun promptly put, a "sub-colony." Western powers infiltrated the Chines territories, and exploited natural as well as human resources blatantly, right under the government's nose. The regime at the time, after two hundred years of isolation, was technologically inadequate therefore powerless to defend itself. Had there not been the Open Door Policy, it would have fallen the same fate as india. At the turn of century, Dr. Sun Yet-sun led a revolution that overthrew the imperial government and established a democratic republic, led by the Nationalists' Party. In the next four decades, however, the Communist Party rose and drove the Nationalist government to Taiwan, but failed, fortunately, to "liberate" it.
Knowing the historical oppression by the western powers, we were glad to finally see the rise of our own people. Yet, Taiwan was able to remain intact from communist invasion due to the US' economical inhibition to China. As we see the inevitable change of balance, we have to really be worried. This coincides well with Sach's claim that our biggest problem is our inability to cooperate.
One Earth, Two Worlds
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer; a saying we’ve all heard but it may hold more validity than we think. In the book Common Wealth Jeffrey Sachs addresses this issue with discussion of the economic growth and decline of several countries. Over the last few hundred years, prosperous countries such as the United Kingdom and America have continued to grow economically while economically weak countries such as sub-Saharan Africa have continued to suffer.
If we do not take care to fix this problem of economic dissonance between the rich and the poor, it won’t fix itself, it will just continue to become worse and worse. Now, looking at this issue from a global perspective gives us even a better picture of what is going on. It is not rare to see a commercial or stumble across a webside that tells us of how our five dollar donation a month can feed 20 starving children in Africa. When I take a moment to think about how significant my small donation is to people living in these underprivileged countries I realize how truly great the difference is in wealth. If this problem isn’t fixed I foresee two, separate worlds. There will be a world with food, money, education and life. And there will be a separate world filled with hunger, disease, and ultimately death. If we don’t take the time now to help our “neighbors” we will only become more and more separated from them until one day we won’t regard their existence at all. We are aware of the situation our world is in; my vote is that we make an effort to fix this—now.
-Phil Giddings
Should Americans be Concerned about Water?
Water is one of the most important natural resources; we literally can’t live without it. We use it everyday. In fact, the average American uses 101 gallons of water each day. Where does all this water come from? Well, of the approximately 333 million cubic miles of water on earth, 97% is found the oceans, 2% is locked up in glaciers and polar ice caps, and only 1% is accessible to us as freshwater found in rivers, lakes, and as groundwater. However, these reservoirs are being depleted at an alarming rate.
sachs on water stress and conflict
The Poorest Billion: Why pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps doesn't work
So, why can't the poor just stop having children, get an education, a career, and help themselves? Because they are in a trap, as economist Paul Collier, author of The Bottom Billion puts states. He suggests that the traps are due to conflicts, bad neighboring countries, lack of natural resources and bad government. Many people say the poor are poor and will remain poor until they are educated. But these people do not have the choice of education. There is no hope for them; they must fight to simply make it alive to the next day. Many countries in this trap are in civil war, with no development, communication, or transportation. This is why countries like India are paying people to decrease family size; why wealthier countries reach out with aid in the form of food and education. Organizations like Save the Children know how to empower these people: education. They focus on giving hope by educating the young generation, giving them the chance at a better life because, on their own, it would be nearly impossible. Impossible, because you could spending your entire life working and only be making less than $0.50 a day to feed your family. As for bad governments who do not wish goodwill to their own people (North Korea, for example), influence and aid must come from outside, from other developed countries. But what can average people like you and me do? Become aware. Educate yourself because you can. And if there is a cause you wish to donate to, help. Be proactive.
Urbanization: Upside and Downside
Still, there are side affects to these seemingly wonderful economic changes. The second article I found addresses an issue that many people would be quick to oversee. Considering ourselves the most important species, when it comes to other creatures, we are not so compassionate. Animals are a very important part of life on this earth, and while they may not have the ability to speak and reason and have moral choices, like humans, they are still God's creations, and it is important to watch after them when we are able. Increase in urbanization is threatening a decrease in genetic diversity. Urban barriers make it difficult, if not impossible, for animals to cross over to different areas. This forces them to inbreed, therefore losing relation with other species and causes them to be severely isolated. While this may not seem like a major issue for some people, it seems to me that the more we change as a people, the more we negatively affect everything around us. While we may be benefitting ourselves, we need to realize that we are not the only occupants of this planet. I am not saying that I think urbanization is a horrible idea and we need to save all the animals. However, I do think that we all, as individuals, need to take into consideration the effects on the entire planet because of our decisions, and not just the effects on ourselves. In doing so, we are able to create a truer and deeper sense of community.
The Asian Century
The United States has been seen as a superpower for a while now—but not for long. Several scholars claim that the rise of economic power and population growth in Asia (Asia mostly meaning China, but also including India and Japan) will soon turn into domination of the world market.
According to the article, “The Asian Century”, written by Doug Bandow, “China has started from a low economic and military base and faces enormous social challenges as it develops, but is not inclined to passively accept U.S. hegemony along its border or elsewhere.” Bandow also claims that the threat of Asian dominance is not against U.S. security. He also points out that many countries do not need rely on America for anything and that the United States should learn how to cooperatively work with the rising Asian powers. “No one especially America and China, can afford one, let alone two, wars to establish future their relationship”, writes Bandow. According to Jeffrey D. Sachs, in his Fortune Magazine article “Welcome to the Asian Century”, “American power rests mainly on advanced technology, which is increasingly available to the whole world.” Based on the population growth and income increase in China and India, Sachs believes that the world’s economic center of gravity will shift to Asia by 2050. He also believes that economically speaking, the Asian Century will benefit the United States. To Sachs, Asian products at cheap prices and Asian technology will improve the American quality of life. However, politically speaking, America will have to step back from the spotlight and relinquish its power to the Asian countries.
With China’s exponential population growth comes the problem of energy. What will the Asian Century mean to the Environmental/Energy Challenge? According to David Zweig and Bi Jianhai, “An unprecedented need for resources is now driving China’s foreign policy.” China’s share of the consumption of aluminum, copper, nickel, and iron ore has more than doubled in the past 10 years. According to the director for the China Center for Economic Research at Peking University, Justin Yifu Lin, China’s economy could grow at a rate of 9 percent per year for the next two decades. With the world already climbing the energy usage charts and depleting so many of our un-renewable resources, how will China’s appetite and need for energy be satiated?
What will the Asian Century mean to Americans? Will the world stop wanting the “American Dream”? According to Jeffrey Sachs, “Assuming Asia’s continued economic success, the 21st century could well be a period of unprecedented prosperity and scientific advance, but one in which the U.S. will have to learn to be one of many successful economies rather than the world’s indispensable country.”
Could we survive that?
The Poverty Cycle
The Rise of China
There are also environmental problems to consider. More power plants will be built to meet the energy demand, and they will pollute the earth’s atmosphere and water even more. It seems like China is aware of this issue and is committed to reduce energy intensity by investing heavily in new technologies and infrastructures. According to the New York Times article, China’s cabinet passed measures that would help reduce energy use, including closing thousands of factories with outdated equipment. Although these measures are admirable, I’m curious to see how Chinese government will act when its environmental policies come in the way of economical development. Would they stand firm and pass laws that would prohibit energy intensive practices? I guess the question is whether their environmental policy be “enough”. This is the question that we need to ask ourselves first because we are not doing that great either.
Ultimately, it comes down to what we want and our attitude toward the environment. People who have a close relationship and some sort of emotional attachment to nature tend to appreciate it more. These people are more likely to be more conscious about the environmental issues and act on them. Changing people’s attitude toward the environment will not be successful by throwing numbers at them. People are unlikely to change unless the problems directly affect them, in which point it is too late. We need to start early and help our children to form a good relationship with nature. This cannot be done through textbooks and videos but by encouraging kids to touch and feel, and have fun with nature.
The poorest billion
In the book “Common Wealth,” by Jeffrey D. Sachs, the issue of the “poorest billion” and the “poverty trap” is briefly dealt with. However, I felt that the solutions Sachs gave for the problem were too broad. Thus, the two articles I found for the assignment this week further delved into Sachs discussion of the “poorest billion.” In his book, Sachs, admonishes that overcoming the “poverty trap” will require, “special policies and global efforts” (Sachs 31). Because of this statement I decided to search for articles that dealt with some of the “global efforts” that are being done to help countries escape the “poverty trap.” One of these I discovered was a CNN article entitled, “Fighting poverty $1 at a time.” This article discussed the efforts that have been going on in India to supply “micro-credit” to small business owners in order to help them start or maintain small business enterprises. An example of this concept given in the article was of a woman in India who made “sweets” but could not afford to buy the milk to produce them. However, after receiving a small loan to buy a cow her business grew exponentially enabling her to afford food and clothing for her family. While reading this article I couldn’t help but remember my experience as a student missionary in Peru. While in the country I was working with an organization that was trying to start small industries to help educate some of the poorest people in the region. The idea was that students would come and learn a trade while working in exchange for their tuition and board. After graduating they would have a marketable skill, which could be used to start a small business in order to support them and their family. I believe this concept that I encountered in Peru along with the “micro-credit” example in the article are two practical examples that can help people to escape the “poverty trap. However, I also found from my search that there are other methods that can be used to eliminate the poverty gap.
One of these was suggested in the second article I read entitled, “Africa’s Poverty Trap”, which was written in the Wall Street Journal. In it the author discussed some of the reasons behind the poverty found in certain regions of Africa. He argued that one of these is due to the way that economics have been used in the country. For example, he lamented that economists in Africa had “undervalued free markets” and instead enabled “state direction by the states least able to direct” (Easterly A.11). In addition he showed throughout the article that many people in Africa are ready to start small businesses yet lack the “free market” to do so. I felt that this article was insightful for me because many times I hear in the media that Africa is failing because of a lack of resources. However, from this article I learned that the people of Africa have powerful plans and ideas that could be enacted if they would have the opportunity to work in a “free market.”
Although these articles on poverty were insightful I feel that there is more to be learned on the topic. In addition, I feel that a smaller scale approach to many of these issues could be more effective. For example, the “micro-credit” loans that are given out in India are done at a local scale. There is not a national bank that distributes them but instead a local banker down the street. I believe this is more effective than a large international project because transactions are performed at a smaller scale that enables bankers to have a personal interest in the people they are lending to. In addition, this small-scale method is more sustainable because already available resources can be used.
Though I believe that many of the solutions to ending the “poverty trap” involve small-scale efforts I also feel that I must not simply stand on the outside and criticize those who are actually doing something to solve the problem. Instead, I feel that as a human being and more importantly as a Christian that I have an obligation to help in the effort. Whether it was serving as a student missionary for a year in Peru or serving people with a medical career in the future I believe that one of the most important ways I can help people escape the “poverty trap” is by personally taking an interest in them and finding out their needs. I feel that if I use Christ as my guide I will be able to discover new and innovative ways to help empower people on this planet to be freed from the burden of poverty.
The Rich can stay rich, as for the poor.....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Africa's Poverty Trap: Future Plans, Millennium Goals, and What's Really Working
Sachs states that the main contributer to this cyclic poverty is geography--the lack of access to sea-based trade, poor and irregular rainfall, high disease burdens, and political struggle can often be traced back to the relative location of the impoverished community. Also, he notes how extreme poverty can raise political tensions in an area, and possibly increases the chance of violent conflict. These problems are what the Millennium Development Goals have sought to address through foreign funding, education, and health care. In the ten years since the Millennium Goals started working in Africa, cases of the measles have dropped by 90%, longevity has improved (as most AIDS victims are now on antiretroviral treatment), malaria is dropping decisively, school enrollment has risen 16%, the economy has gained speed, and extreme poverty is declining. All of this is made possible by the cooperation of foreign powers and local leaders.
However, there is much more that can be done--of the $60 billion promised in aid to Africa, actual aid is only $45 billion. Africa faces many more threats to its progress such as: rampant population growth (which is fueled by the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in that area), corruption by large Asian or American corporations, lack of trade, human-induced climate change, and neglect. All of these problems will take time and immense amounts of worldwide cooperation to fix. There are five more years left to go on the Millennium Goals, but through the strategies proposed by Sachs, I think that an economical revolution in Africa is possible--it will most likely take longer than solely that five years, but I think Africa is off to a better start. Rather than funneling money to people at the top, he suggests investing in those at the bottom who cannot help themselves; it follows through with the old saying "catch a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life". This method of help will always have its setbacks, but it ultimately pays off. It is my hope and prayer that the multitude of problems in Africa will be addressed and solved, and that in another ten years Africa can be looked on as a nation that has moved forward out of its dark ages.
How To Deal With People
The two articles that I found ( deal with urbanization in China and Mexico and what effects it is having on the counties. China is planning on funneling 3.6 trillion dollars in the next ten years, which is an obscene amount of money in my eyes, into "urban infrastructure". Every aspect is going to be affected: roadways, water systems, residential buildings, power plants, the list goes on and on. In China, the urbanization that is occurring seems to only be having a negative effect on the economy and the environment. As Sachs mentions in his books, China is consuming tons upon tons of coal and they only have plans to add more factories. In the next ten years, it is projected that over 60% of the Chinese population will be living in cities.
Mexico is also experiencing what the article calls "intense urbanization". More and more people are moving to one of the eleven urban areas that Mexico has. This is putting a great stress on the environment and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to implement the "green plan" for the country. An interesting side note that the article makes is that the average age is rising, meaning that there are more people who are older in Mexico. This means that soon there will be less people looking for jobs, opening up the market for others. The writer posits that immigrants will start coming back home because it will be easier to find a job in Mexico than in America.
A common theme found whenever one talks about urbanization is the effect that it has on the environment. The amount of people crammed into a small area is bound to have some adverse affects, such as the one mentioned about China. There was a book that I read once in elementary school that dealt with the future. In the book, there was a boy who was running away from an orphanage and getting into trouble and such, but one of the details that I remember is a conversation that he had with a friend. They were discussing the setting sun and color it was; the remark went along the lines of "the color is pretty bad tonight. I guess this means that we won't be able to leave the house tomorrow since the air quality is going to be pretty bad." Despite the fact that it is sci-fi, it can become reality. We need to take care that urbanization does not cause us to the push the envelope and attempt to squeeze more people into an already-packed space. It would be sad if our actions caused us to be like the children in the book, unable to venture from the house because the events from the previous day made the air quality unsuitable for human life. I know, I know, this sounds rather dramatic, but the amount of people crammed in an apartment building in Manhattan or the number of people on a city street in China should be viewed as a dramatic problem that needs to be addressed.
America's Apathy
"To manage the carbon budget, we don't need to change everything about our society, but we do need to face head-on six important activities:Notice the imperative tone in all of these statements: we must. Who are we? Americans? You? Me?
- We must slow or stop deforestation
- We must reduce emissions from electricity production
- We must reduce emissions from automobiles
- We must clean up industrial processes in a few major sectors (especially steel, cement, refineries, and petrochemicals).
- We must economize on electricity use through more efficient motors, appliances, lighting, insulation, and other electrical demands.
- We must convert point-source emissions in buildings (such as furnaces) into electricity-based systems powered by low-emission electricity"
I bookmarked two very different articles about climate change (at Both authors are aware of the threat our planet faces, and both would encourage us as citizens of the United States and of the world to do something. But while Jeff Goodell's Slate article seems full of optimistic promise in the face of developing geoengineering technology, Karlyn Bowman reports in Forbes that Americans are devastatingly apathetic about climate change. So who's telling the right story? Could they both be correct?
Goodell does note a certain skepticism in the press regarding geoengineering - "which the British Royal Society defines as "the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system, in order to moderate global warming"" - when he references speculative ideas about geoengineering as a new profit scheme, etc., but in general his article is quite positive. After reading it, one feels reassured that someone is doing something about climate change; that it's being discussed, policies are changing, and help is on the way. Indeed, the internet is thick with encouraging articles, blogs, and videos about developing green technologies (solar panels, biodegradable detergents, hybrid vehicles, you name it), and the general attitude seems optimistic. But are we all just reading the New York Times for columns about the latest green technology as a palliative? Oh, good, someone is doing something about this crisis, so I can continue going about my life. Sure, I'll recycle my plastic yogurt containers, but I'm too busy to do more. It's someone else's job.
This is what Bowman's depressing report about American apathy in the face of global warming seems to suggest. Listen to this: "The issue [of global warming] ranked dead last--20th of 20 issues--when the Pew Research Center asked respondents to list top priorities for President Obama and Congress." What's going on here? How can the media be plastered with "fight global warming" propaganda, which most of us probably claim to support, with no results? Further on in Bowman's article: "As a back-handed compliment to our system of representative democracy, we are content to let competing interest groups, political parties and others debate the next policy steps, reasonably confident that good policy will result from the clash of interests." We're all convinced that someone else is working to solve the problem. It's my senator's problem. Obama's problem. The UN's problem. So our nation is characterized not by a galvanized sense of duty to the environment, but by...apathy.
Convergence: More than Money
I wonder what the implications of convergence of both economics (i.e. per capital income, etc) and other facets of society will have as the convergence becomes more widespread. Much of the design and innovation is still done in the developed countries while the technology that comes out of this research makes it's way around the globe. Once enough countries reach a certain level of development, many of them will begin creating their own technologies. As their dependence for the innovative technology of the developed countries begins to wain they will begin competing globally on all new levels. This, I would think, will have a remarkable global impact. I would guess that developed countries will, in an attempt to stay 'on top', develop ways to keep the developing countries always under their influence as long as possible.
This bring me to what I think is the greatest hindrance to global cooperation in enacting global change, and that is the self-centered nature of human beings. People are always looking for ways to make their own lives 'better', even at the detriment to others. The first step towards creating change is to instill a sense of responsibility and care for things other than oneself. This can be difficult even for Christians who have the best example of this. Once people develop a genuine Christ-like attitude, changes will begin all over out of sheer good will and care for others and the planet. I do realize that this concept is nearly as much of a pie-in-the-sky as all the other 'grand plans for global change' are, but I believe that the environmental or change for global sustainment are only a very small part of the benefits that sharing Christ will bring. If only we had a global convergence in attitude towards that of Christ.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Urbanization: A Brief Reflection
One of the more interesting trends of the 21st century is the rapid urbanization taking place in all parts of the globe. We have all probably heard that more than 50% of earth's population live in cities as of now, and that percentage is expected to grow more rapidly now than it has over the past few centuries. Urbanization is caused by several factors, but is most significantly because of more opportunities in the urban areas, which are home to more than half of all economic value in any given nation. In addition to these factors, birth rates are higher than death rates in urban areas, mostly a result of better health care methods.
Some harsh details about urbanization include the fact that the slums of major third world cities are expanding as much as 11 times more than more suitable living spaces. Nairobi, for instance, has 300 arrivals from the countryside, and that figure is three years old now. In the slums, disease is certainly more rampant, and conditions may sometimes making eve having the bare necessities in life impossible. More "luxurious" amenities such as education, safety, employment, and social services are lacking in these slum areas. Unfortunately, as the urban poor increase in numbers, developmental relief agencies have not been following as quickly, remaining behind to help rural communities.
As mentioned before, birth rates are higher than death rates due to better health care methods. However, health conditions in the slums are horrendous and only getting worse. Lack of sanitation and access to fresh water only promotes these terrible conditions. In one city, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1,300 people share only 6 communal toilets. Other disadvantages, such as increased exposure to natural disasters and an increase in crime, only further the negative impact of urbanization.
I feel like urbanization is good because it represents a mass migration of people to the city to find more opportunity and will lead to greater stimulation of the economy as population increases, as well as more opportunities for formerly rural families that may have never experienced opportunities available to them in an urban context had they remained in rural living conditions. It is of deep concern, however, that many people, at least in third world countries, may face conditions like the ones listed above while pursuing these aspirations. I believe that adequate effort should be made to ensure proper living conditions and especially for a sustainable future for people.
The Urban Century Institute, an American effort that has implemented programs to develop green neighborhoods and SMART parks in cities like Chattanooga, has caught my attention because it is an effort being made that tries to make urbanization a purely positive fact of life and one that can be used for the advantage of urban centers. More efforts like these need to be made, especially in urban centers where slums exist.
Efforts like the one mentioned above only highlight the fact that urbanization is an important factor and trend in our world today. It should be embraced and supported in ways that will create a sustainable future for humanity. The provision of jobs, education, proper living conditions, and the provision of the necessities of life will be necessary for making urbanization a helpful trend, rather than a seriously harmful side effect of the population explosion.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Wilderness experience - the two that treaded the road less traveled
The Price of Peace
We live busy lives. As a young person growing up in modern America it is almost impossible to avoid the hustle and bustle that comes along with everyday life. Somewhere between school, work, relationships and recreation it is easy to get caught up in the world. However, when we take a step back from our busy lives and separate ourselves a little from society, it’s amazing what we can discover.
Matthew West, a Christian songwriter whose work I enjoy is one that has illustrated this process. For his upcoming album he decided to escape the world, and go to live in a cabin, alone, for a few months writing songs to the glory of God. He shares with us some of his experiences in a blog written during these months. One thing Matthew noted about his stay in the wilderness was how much easier it was to be close to God. He said that his life in the cabin was an “intensive, daily opportunity” for him to follow through with the longing for a closeness to God.
Wild at Heart by John Eldredge is a book that immediately came to mind when I thought about this topic. For those of you who haven’t read this book, you can classify it as one of those “finding yourself” books. John tells his readers about many of his wanderings in the wilderness, both literal and not. He says that his time in the wilderness was the time he felt closest to God, the times he felt most at peace. He even goes as far as to say that God communicates with us best through His creation. Both of these instances point out that the best way to live involves living through the simplicity of life. As Ecclesiastes suggests, there is nothing more to life that to live happily and enjoy our lives as long as we can (Ecclesiastes 3:12) If this means giving up the world so I can be at peace with my life and maybe even find a little meaning to it along it way; I’m all in.
-Phil Giddings
Examples of Ecclesiastes in the Lives of Two People
George W. Bush was a man who came from an influential family, was educated, was married and had children, etc. However, there was one thing that prevented him from having a life with more meaning--alcohol. Shortly after celebrating his fortieth birthday with alcohol (in 1986), he decided that his life needed to change. He vowed to give up drinking. He fulfilled his goal, and he gives God the credit. To make a long story short, his life improved. In 2000, he was elected President of the United States.
John Newton, who is famous for writing "Amazing Grace" among other hymns, also came to the realization that he needed God in his life. As a child, his mother taught him about God. However, she died while he was still young. His life was without God after he read Shaftesbury. He began to have a change of heart after reading Thomas a Kempis and facing a near-death experience while at sea. Once he was reconverted to Christianity, he became a part of the clergy and wrote hymns.
What I find interesting is that Bush and Newton experienced the success that brought fame after they established a connection with God.
References: Newton, John. (retrieved Sept. 2010). This website drew John Jullian's entry in the "Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)" and Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872.
Romano, Lois and George Lardner. Bush's Life-Changing Year (1999). Washington Post. (retrieved Sept. 2010).
What Goes Up Has a Very Good Chance of Coming Down
In the book of Ecclesiastes, the author discovers that the meaning of life isn’t hidden in success, money, lust, or anything material. He wrestles with his thoughts on what life’s all about. At some point in every human’s life, questions about life’s meaning are asked. Some may need to hit rock bottom to ask those questions and others may need to rise to the top. Through the smoke and fog of our lives, there’s a moment of clarity where a person can choose to change directions, search for something better, or choose not to change at all.
DJ Adam Goldstein (also known as DJ AM) struggled with drugs for most of his life. According to People Magazine, “a critical turning point in his life came in 1997, when Goldstein considered suicide. After a night of doing cocaine, Goldstein, 24 at the time, sat before a mirror and ‘could not move away from staring at myself,’ he said. He put a gun in his mouth and, sobbing, said, ‘God, please help me.’ The trigger jammed and Goldstein didn’t succeed in committing suicide; he vowed to never do drugs again. In the 11 years of sobriety that followed, DJ AM made it his personal mission to help those who shared his struggles with drugs. His MTV series, Gone Too Far, was his way of giving other addicts a ray of hope. Unfortunately, DJ AM didn’t stay on the figurative “mountain”; he died of an accidental drug overdose on August 28, 2009.
Mason Betha (aka Ma$e or Murda Mase), formerly a rapper on Bad Boy Records, also had a turning point in his life. As a rapper on Bad Boy Records, Ma$e led the typical hip-hop lifestyle with rappers like Notorious B.I.G and P. Diddy. However, in 1999 Betha renounced his lifestyle and decided to become a Christian pastor. He claimed that he needed to undo the damage that his secular music inflicted on the music industry. According to Betha, “Being a prophet is not much different than being a rapper. They're just serving a different master. In rap, you serve the devil and the money, and things are your god.” He wanted to reach the hip-hop audience to show them that, they too, could live a changed life. However, just like DJ AM, Mason Betha couldn’t stay away from his previous lifestyle for long. He came back to the “scene” with a new name (Murda Mase) and the same lifestyle as before. He didn’t stay on the “mountain” either.
We can search for meaning, we can change our surroundings, but we can’t change our human nature alone. Just like with DJ AM and Ma$e, our human nature will try its best to pull us back down to where we came from. Both DJ AM and Ma$e found that life’s meaning wasn’t in drugs, flashing lights, or gold chains. They tried to change and change others as well. Unfortunately, they didn’t stay changed. What we have to realize is that it is a choice to change, but it is also a choice to stay changed. Without God as the source of meaning, what goes up has a very good chance of coming down.
Matter Doesn't Matter
Both of my tags are TED videos - find them at
The first video is by David Hoffman, a successful filmmaker whose talk is about losing everything in a house fire. As he speaks, the background plays a slide show of the destroyed items from his home - collector records, photographs, awards, sentimental letters from family - in essence, the things one man collected over a lifetime to surround himself with. It is reasonable to assume that these things brought him pleasure, either for aesthetic, sentimental, or career-related reasons. This is what we do, isn't it? We collect things. We collect things that make us happy; or at least we think they will bring happiness. For David Hoffman, it's clear that he isn't thrilled about the disaster that devastated his stuff. But he's surprisingly unemotional about it. His attitude is, "Bah, it's just stuff", and he is willing to move on without it. In fact, he plans to turn the disaster into a new project.
This parallels nicely with what Ecclesiastes' author seems to be saying every time he repeats the mantra, "everything is meaningless". Both men are pointing out that everything we work for, everything we collect, everything that we think lends meaning to our lives - is meaningless.
The second talk is given by Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the Karmapa of Tibetan Buddhism. Although his talk is less about his life story than I expected it might be, it probes some of the same themes that Ecclesiastes does. Indeed, the Karmapa is interested in "how we live in the world", just as the author of Ecclesiastes is. At the beginning of his speech, the religious leader tells how he was selected as a child to become the next Karmapa. He says, when they asked him, he "thought it would be fun and there would be more things to play with." Wait. Doesn't that sound just like Ecclesiastes? When he became king, the biblical writer thought he would find satisfaction in material pleasures - wealth, wine, women, etc. You kind of know what he's going to say next, right? Whenever someone begins a story with the sentence, "I thought it would be like this....", you expect the "but...." to come soon. For the Karmapa, the "but" was that being a highly revered religious leader was a lot more work than he had expected. Not quite what our Ecclesiastical writer had to say about life, but true nonetheless.
Later in his talk, the Karmapa spoke of the incident in which some precious Buddha idols were destroyed in Afghanistan by a Muslim group. Such an act would seemingly incite anger in a man who holds the Buddha in high esteem, but his answer was generous. He pointed out that the only thing that was really destroyed in the Buddha smashing incident was matter. The phrase he used was "deterioration of matter". Basically, he's just saying, it's just stuff! In essence, one could say that he is reiterating Ecclesiastes' idea that things are meaningless. It's just matter, and matter doesn't matter.
One more thing from the Karmapa's talk. Listen to this: "Whatever you're doing right now, sink into that." Sink into it. Sounds a little bit like Ecclesiastes 9:10: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might".
In the end, according to both David Hoffman and the Karmapa, what matters isn't stuff, it's people. To me, that sounds a lot like Ecclesiastes.
Experience Our Teacher
It has been said that experience is the best teacher. Interestingly, it is often the experiences that we don’t choose that teach us the most, for they tend to change our perspective. Heinrich Harrer, a famous Austrian mountaineer, was changed by one such unwelcome experience. After being part of the first team to successfully summit the 25,000 Naga Parbat, Harrer was imprisoned in a British internment camp. He later escaped and walked across the Himalayas to get to Tibet, where he spent seven years. While he didn’t choose the experiences he had, they changed him. The film made from his book, Seven Years in Tibet, is a powerful portrayal of that change. In the beginning, he is arrogant, stubborn, and selfish, caring about little other than his own dreams and aspirations. But he is a different man at the end of the film because he has learned to value people.
In his book, he describes what he called “wasted years”, time he spent chasing too many things at once. Yet when he finally attained his selfish goals, he found himself dissatisfied, rather than fulfilled. Like the author of Ecclesiastes, he found that neither money nor fame could fill the emptiness that was inside him. It was only after being a prisoner that he could truly understand what it meant to be free. On arrival, Tibet was simply a new place to explore for Harrer, but when he left, it was a culture and a people with value that should be preserved.